2nd week of Advent of Code '22 in Rust
Let's go through the second week of Advent of Code in Rust.
Day 8: Treetop Tree House
We get a forest and we want to know how many trees are visible from the outside. Apart from that we want to find the best view.
Nothing interesting. We are moving around 2D map though. And indexing can get a
bit painful when doing so, let's refactor it a bit ;) During the preparation for
the AoC, I have written Vector2D
and now it's time to extend it with indexing
of Vec
of Vec
s. In my solution I was manipulating with indices in the following
- swapping them
- checking whether they are correct indices for the
- indexing
with them
I'm getting familiar with Rust and starting to “abuse” it… While doing so, I'm also uncovering some “features” that I don't really like. Therefore I will mark all of my rants with thicc «↯» mark and will try to “lock” them into their own “box of hell”.
Swapping indices
Relatively simple implementation, just take the values, swap them and return new vector.
impl<T: Copy> Vector2D<T> {
pub fn swap(&self) -> Self {
Self {
x: self.y,
y: self.x,
Pretty straight-forward implementation, but let's talk about the T: Copy
. We
need to use it, since we are returning a new vector, with swapped values.
If we had values that cannot be copied, the only thing we could do, would be a
vector of references (and it would also introduce a lifetime, to which we'll get
later on). This is pretty similar with the operations on sets from the first week.
Indexing Vec
I will start with the indexing, cause bound-checking is a bit more… complicated than I would like to.
pub fn index<'a, T, U>(v: &'a [Vec<U>], idx: &Vector2D<T>) -> &'a U
usize: TryFrom<T>,
<usize as TryFrom<T>>::Error: Debug,
T: Copy,
let (x, y): (usize, usize) = (idx.x.try_into().unwrap(), idx.y.try_into().unwrap());
Let's talk about this mess… Body of the function is probably the most easy part
and should not be hard to understand, we just take the x
and y
and convert
them both to usize
type that can be used later on for indexing.
The type signature of the function is where the fun is at 😉 We are trying
to convert unknown type to usize
, so we must bound the T
as a type that can
be converted to usize
, that's how we got usize: TryFrom<T>
which basically
says that usize
must implement TryFrom<T>
trait and therefore allows us to
convert the indices to actual usize
indices. Using .unwrap()
also forces us
to bound the error that can occur when converting T
into usize
, that's how
we get <usize as TryFrom<T>>::Error: Debug
which loosely means
error during conversion of
must implementDebug
, i.e. can be printed in some way or other
T: Copy
is required by .try_into()
which takes T
And now we are left only with the first line of the definition.
Skilled Rustaceans might notice that this implementation is rather flaky and can break in multiple places at once. I'll get back to it…
Let's split it in multiple parts:
v: &'a [Vec<U>]
represents the 2DVec
, we are indexing,Vec
trait and clippy recommends using&[T]
, exact details are unknown to meidx: &Vector2D<T>
represents the indices which we use, we take them by reference to avoid an unnecessary copy-> &'a U
means that we are returning a reference to some value of typeU
. Now the question is what does the'a
mean, we can also see it as a generic type declared alongT
. And the answer is relatively simple,'a
represents a lifetime. We take thev
by a reference and return a reference, borrow checker validates all of the borrows (or references), so we need to specify that our returned value has the same lifetime as the vector we have taken by a reference, i.e. returned reference must live at least as long as thev
. This way we can “be sure” that the returned reference is valid.
First issue that our implementation has is the fact that we cannot get a mutable
reference out of that function. This could be easily resolved by introducing new
function, e.g. index_mut
. Which I have actually done while writing this part:
pub fn index_mut<'a, T, U>(v: &'a mut [Vec<U>], idx: &Vector2D<T>) -> &'a mut U
usize: TryFrom<T>,
<usize as TryFrom<T>>::Error: Debug,
T: Copy,
let (x, y): (usize, usize) = (idx.x.try_into().unwrap(), idx.y.try_into().unwrap());
&mut v[y][x]
When we consider a Vec<T>
, we don't need to consider containers as T
, Rust
implements indexing as traits Index<T>
and IndexMut<T>
that do the dirty work
behind syntactic sugar of container[idx]
However, implementing of traits is not allowed for external types, i.e. types that you haven't defined yourself. This means that you can implement indexing over containers that you have implemented yourself, but you cannot use your own types for indexing “built-in” types.
Another part of this rabbit hole is trait SliceIndex<T>
that is of a relevance
because of
impl<T, I> Index<I> for [T]
I: SliceIndex<[T]>
impl<T, I, A> Index<I> for Vec<T, A>
I: SliceIndex<[T]>,
A: Allocator
impl<T, I, const N: usize> Index<I> for [T; N]
[T]: Index<I>
In other words, if your type implements SliceIndex<T>
trait, it can be used
for indexing. As of now, this trait has all of its required methods experimental
and is marked as unsafe
Another problem is a requirement for indexing either [Vec<T>]
or Vec<Vec<T>>
This requirement could be countered by removing inner type Vec<T>
and constraining
it by a trait Index
(or IndexMut
respectively) in a following way
pub fn index<'a, C, T>(v: &'a [C], idx: &Vector2D<T>) -> &'a C::Output
usize: TryFrom<T>,
<usize as TryFrom<T>>::Error: Debug,
T: Copy,
C: Index<usize>
let (x, y): (usize, usize) = (idx.x.try_into().unwrap(), idx.y.try_into().unwrap());
Given this, we can also give a more meaningful typename for indexing type, such
as I
Checking bounds
Now we can get to the boundary checks, it is very similar, but a more… dirty.
First approach that came up was to convert the indices in Vector2D
to usize
but when you add the indices up, e.g. when checking the neighbors, you can end
up with negative values which, unlike in C++, causes an error (instead of underflow
that you can use to your advantage; you can easily guess how).
So how can we approach this then? Well… we will convert the bounds instead of the indices and that lead us to:
pub fn in_range<T, U>(v: &[Vec<U>], idx: &Vector2D<T>) -> bool
usize: TryInto<T>,
<usize as TryInto<T>>::Error: Debug,
T: PartialOrd + Copy,
idx.y >= 0.try_into().unwrap()
&& idx.y < v.len().try_into().unwrap()
&& idx.x >= 0.try_into().unwrap()
&& idx.x
< v[TryInto::<usize>::try_into(idx.y).unwrap()]
You can tell that it's definitely a shitty code. Let's improve it now! We will
get back to the original idea, but do it better. We know that we cannot convert
negative values into usize
, but we also know that conversion like that
returns a Result<T, E>
which we can use to our advantage.
pub fn in_range<T, U>(v: &[Vec<U>], idx: &Vector2D<T>) -> bool
T: Copy,
usize: TryFrom<T>,
.and_then(|y| usize::try_from(idx.x).map(|x| y < v.len() && x < v[y].len()))
Result<T, E>
is a type similar to Either
in Haskell and it allows us to chain
multiple operations on correct results or propagate the original error without
doing anything. Let's dissect it one-by-one.
is a method implemented in TryFrom
trait, that allows you to convert
types and either successfully convert them or fail (with a reasonable error). This
method returns Result<T, E>
We call and_then
on that result, let's have a look at the type signature of
, IMO it explains more than enough:
pub fn and_then<U, F>(self, op: F) -> Result<U, E>
F: FnOnce(T) -> Result<U, E>
OK… So it takes the result and a function and returns another result with different value and different error. However we can see that the function, which represents an operation on a result, takes just the value, i.e. it doesn't care about any previous error. To make it short:
allows us to run an operation, which can fail, on the correct result
We parsed a y
index and now we try to convert the x
index with try_from
again, but on that result we use map
rather than and_then
, why would that be?
pub fn map<U, F>(self, op: F) -> Result<U, E>
F: FnOnce(T) -> U
Huh… map
performs an operation that cannot fail. And finally we use
which takes the value from result, or in case of an error returns the
default that we define.
How does this work then? If y
is negative, the conversion fails and the error
propagates all the way to unwrap_or
, if y
can be a correct usize
value, then
we do the same with x
. If x
is negative, we propagate the error as with y
and if it's not, then we check whether it exceeds the higher bounds or not.
Relatively simple, you just need follow the rules and not get too smart, otherwise it will get back at you.
Day 9: Rope Bridge
We get a rope with knots and we want to track how many different positions are visited with the rope's tail.
By this day, I have come to a conclusion that current skeleton for each day generates a lot of boilerplate. And even though it can be easily copied, it's just a waste of space and unnecessary code. Let's “simplify” this (on one end while creating monster on the other end). I've gone through what we need in the preparations for the AoC. Let's sum up our requirements:
- parsing
- part 1 & 2
- running on sample / input
- tests
Parsing and implementation of both parts is code that changes each day and we cannot do anything about it. However running and testing can be simplified!
Let's introduce and export a new module solution
that will take care of all of
this. We will start by introducing a trait for each day.
pub trait Solution<Input, Output: Display> {
fn parse_input<P: AsRef<Path>>(pathname: P) -> Input;
fn part_1(input: &Input) -> Output;
fn part_2(input: &Input) -> Output;
This does a lot of work for us already, we have defined a trait and for each day
we will create a structure representing a specific day. That structure will also
implement the Solution
Now we need to get rid of the boilerplate, we can't get rid of the main
but we can at least move out the functionality.
fn run(type_of_input: &str) -> Result<()>
Self: Sized,
let input = Self::parse_input(format!("{}s/{}.txt", type_of_input, Self::day()));
info!("Part 1: {}", Self::part_1(&input));
info!("Part 2: {}", Self::part_2(&input));
fn main() -> Result<()>
Self: Sized,
This is all part of the Solution
trait, which can implement methods while being
dependent on what is provided by the implementing types. In this case, we just
need to bound the Output
type to implement Display
that is necessary for the
and format string there.
Now we can get to first of the nasty things we are going to do… And it is the
method that you can see being used when constructing path to the input
file. That method will generate a name of the file, e.g. day01
and we know that
we can somehow deduce it from the structure name, given we name it reasonably.
fn day() -> String {
let mut day = String::from(type_name::<Self>().split("::").next().unwrap());
This feature is still experimental and considered to be internal, it is not advised to use it any production code.
And now we can get to the nastiest stuff 😩 We will generate the tests!
We want to be able to generate tests for sample input in a following way:
test_sample!(day_01, Day01, 42, 69);
There's not much we can do, so we will write a macro to generate the tests for us.
macro_rules! test_sample {
($mod_name:ident, $day_struct:tt, $part_1:expr, $part_2:expr) => {
mod $mod_name {
use super::*;
fn test_part_1() {
let sample =
$day_struct::parse_input(&format!("samples/{}.txt", $day_struct::day()));
assert_eq!($day_struct::part_1(&sample), $part_1);
fn test_part_2() {
let sample =
$day_struct::parse_input(&format!("samples/{}.txt", $day_struct::day()));
assert_eq!($day_struct::part_2(&sample), $part_2);
We have used it in a similar way as macros in C/C++, one of the things that we
can use to our advantage is defining “type” of the parameters for the macro. All
parameters have their name prefixed with $
sign and you can define various “forms”
of your macro. Let's go through it!
We have following parameters:
which represents the name for the module with tests, it is typed withident
which means that we want a valid identifier to be passed in.$day_struct
represents the structure that will be used for tests, it is typed withtt
which represents a token tree, in our case it is a type.$part_X
represents the expected output for theX
th part and is of typeexpr
which literally means an expression.
Apart from that we need to use #[macro_export]
to mark the macro as exported
for usage outside of the module. Now our skeleton looks like:
use aoc_2022::*;
type Input = String;
type Output = String;
struct DayXX;
impl Solution<Input, Output> for DayXX {
fn parse_input<P: AsRef<Path>>(pathname: P) -> Input {
fn part_1(input: &Input) -> Output {
fn part_2(input: &Input) -> Output {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// DayXX::run("sample")
// test_sample!(day_XX, DayXX, , );
Not much to talk about, it is relatively easy to simulate.
Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube
Emulating basic arithmetic operations on a CPU and drawing on CRT based on the CPU's accumulator.
In this day I have discovered an issue with my design of the Solution
And the issue is caused by different types of Output
for the part 1 and part 2.
Problem is relatively simple and consists of simulating a CPU, I have approached it in a following way:
fn evaluate_instructions(instructions: &[Instruction], mut out: Output) -> Output {
.fold(State::new(), |state, instruction| {
state.execute(instruction, &mut out)
We just take the instructions, we have some state of the CPU and we execute the
instructions one-by-one. Perfect usage of the fold
(or reduce
as you may know
it from other languages).
You can also see that we have an Output
type, so the question is how can we fix
that problem. And the answer is very simple and functional. Rust allows you to
have an enumeration
that can bear some other values apart from the type itself.
We could've seen something like this with the Result<T, E>
type that can be
defined as
enum Result<T, E> {
What does that mean though?
When we have an Ok
value, it has the result itself, and when we get an Err
value, it has the error. This also allows us to handle results in a rather
pretty way:
match do_something(x) {
Ok(y) => {
println!("SUCCESS: {}", y);
Err(y) => {
eprintln!("ERROR: {}", y);
My solution has a following outline:
fn execute(&self, i: &Instruction, output: &mut Output) -> State {
// execute the instruction
// collect results if necessary
match output {
Output::Part1(x) => self.execute_part_1(y, x),
Output::Part2(x) => self.execute_part_2(y, x),
// return the obtained state
You might think that it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Yes, but notice
that the match
statement doesn't collect the changes in any way and also we
pass output
by &mut
, so it is shared across each iteration of the fold
The dirty and ingenious thing is that x
s are passed by &mut
too and therefore
they are directly modified by the helper functions. To sum it up and let it sit
We are collecting the result into an enumeration that is shared across all iterations of
Similar to Day 9, but there are some technical details that can get you.
Day 11: Monkey in the Middle
Simulation of monkeys throwing stuff around and measuring your stress levels while your stuff is being passed around.
I think I decided to use regular expressions here for the first time, cause parsing the input was a pain.
Also I didn't expect to implement Euclidean algorithm in Rust…
Again, we're just running a simulation. Though I must admit it was very easy to make a small technical mistakes that could affect the final results very late.
Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm
Finding shortest path up the hill and also shortest path down to the ground while also rolling down the hill…
As I have said in the tl;dr, we are looking for the shortest path, but the start and goal differ for the part 1 and 2. So I have decided to refactor my solution to a BFS algorithm that takes necessary parameters via functions:
fn bfs<F, G>(
graph: &[Vec<char>], start: &Position, has_edge: F, is_target: G
) -> Option<usize>
F: Fn(&[Vec<char>], &Position, &Position) -> bool,
G: Fn(&[Vec<char>], &Position) -> bool
We pass the initial vertex from the caller and everything else is left to the BFS
algorithm, based on the has_edge
and is_target
This was easy! And that is not very usual in Rust once you want to pass around functions. 👀
Looking for the shortest path… Must be Dijkstra, right? Nope! Half of the Reddit got jebaited though. In all fairness, nothing stops you from implementing the Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path, but if you know that all connected vertices are in a unit (actually ) distance from each other, then you know that running Dijkstra is equivalent to running BFS, only with worse time complexity, because of the priority heap instead of the queue.
Day 13: Distress Signal
Processing packets with structured data from the distress signal.
You can implement a lot of traits if you want to. It is imperative to implement
ordering on the packets. I had a typo, so I also proceeded to implement a Display
trait for debugging purposes:
impl Display for Packet {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Packet::Integer(x) => write!(f, "{x}"),
Packet::List(lst) => write!(f, "[{}]", lst.iter().map(|p| format!("{p}")).join(",")),
A lot of technical details… Parsing is nasty too…
Day 14: Regolith Reservoir
Let's simulate falling sand grain-by-grain.
Again, both parts are relatively similar with minimal changes, so it is a good idea to refactor it a bit. Similar approach to the BFS above. Also this is the first day where I ran into efficiency issues and had to redo my solution to speed it up just a bit.
Post Mortem
I was asked about the indexing after publishing the blog. And truly it is rather
complicated topic, especially after releasing SliceIndex<I>
trait. I couldn't
leave it be, so I tried to implement the Index
and IndexMut
I have also mentioned that the SliceIndex
trait is unsafe
, but truth be told,
only unsafe part are the 2 methods that are named *unchecked*
. Anyways, I will
be implementing the Index*
traits for now, rather than the SliceIndex
It's relatively straightforward…
impl<I, C> Index<Vector2D<I>> for [C]
I: Copy + TryInto<usize>,
<I as TryInto<usize>>::Error: Debug,
C: Index<usize>,
type Output = C::Output;
fn index(&self, index: Vector2D<I>) -> &Self::Output {
let (x, y): (usize, usize) =
(index.x.try_into().unwrap(), index.y.try_into().unwrap());
impl<I, C> IndexMut<Vector2D<I>> for [C]
I: Copy + TryInto<usize>,
<I as TryInto<usize>>::Error: Debug,
C: IndexMut<usize>,
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Vector2D<I>) -> &mut Self::Output {
let (x, y): (usize, usize) =
(index.x.try_into().unwrap(), index.y.try_into().unwrap());
&mut self[y][x]
We can see a lot of similarities to the implementation of index
and index_mut
functions. In the end, they are 1:1, just wrapped in the trait that provides a
syntax sugar for container[idx]
I have also switched from using the TryFrom
to TryInto
trait, since it better
matches what we are using, the .try_into
rather than usize::try_from
Also implementing TryFrom
automatically provides you with a TryInto
since it is relatively easy to implement. Just compare the following:
pub trait TryFrom<T>: Sized {
type Error;
fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
pub trait TryInto<T>: Sized {
type Error;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;
OK, so we have our trait implemented, we should be able to use container[index]
right? Yes… but actually no 😦
error[E0277]: the type `[std::vec::Vec<i8>]` cannot be indexed by `aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>`
--> src/bin/day08.rs:26:18
26 | if trees[pos] > tallest {
| ^^^ slice indices are of type `usize` or ranges of `usize`
= help: the trait `std::slice::SliceIndex<[std::vec::Vec<i8>]>` is not implemented for `aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>`
= note: required for `std::vec::Vec<std::vec::Vec<i8>>` to implement `std::ops::Index<aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>>`
error[E0277]: the type `[std::vec::Vec<i8>]` cannot be indexed by `aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>`
--> src/bin/day08.rs:30:28
30 | max(tallest, trees[pos])
| ^^^ slice indices are of type `usize` or ranges of `usize`
= help: the trait `std::slice::SliceIndex<[std::vec::Vec<i8>]>` is not implemented for `aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>`
= note: required for `std::vec::Vec<std::vec::Vec<i8>>` to implement `std::ops::Index<aoc_2022::Vector2D<usize>>`
error[E0277]: the type `[std::vec::Vec<i8>]` cannot be indexed by `aoc_2022::Vector2D<isize>`
--> src/bin/day08.rs:52:28
52 | let max_height = trees[position];
| ^^^^^^^^ slice indices are of type `usize` or ranges of `usize`
= help: the trait `std::slice::SliceIndex<[std::vec::Vec<i8>]>` is not implemented for `aoc_2022::Vector2D<isize>`
= note: required for `std::vec::Vec<std::vec::Vec<i8>>` to implement `std::ops::Index<aoc_2022::Vector2D<isize>>`
Why? We have it implemented for the slices ([C]
), why doesn't it work? Well,
the fun part consists of the fact that in other place, where we were using it,
we were passing the &[Vec<T>]
, but this is coming from a helper functions that
take &Vec<Vec<T>>
instead. And… we don't implement Index
and IndexMut
those. Just for the slices. 🤯 What are we going to do about it?
We can either start copy-pasting or be smarter about it… I choose to be smarter, so let's implement a macro! The only difference across the implementations are the types of the outer containers. Implementation doesn't differ at all!
Implementing the macro can be done in a following way:
macro_rules! generate_indices {
($container:ty) => {
impl<I, C> Index<Vector2D<I>> for $container
I: Copy + TryInto<usize>,
<I as TryInto<usize>>::Error: Debug,
C: Index<usize>,
type Output = C::Output;
fn index(&self, index: Vector2D<I>) -> &Self::Output {
let (x, y): (usize, usize) =
(index.x.try_into().unwrap(), index.y.try_into().unwrap());
impl<I, C> IndexMut<Vector2D<I>> for $container
I: Copy + TryInto<usize>,
<I as TryInto<usize>>::Error: Debug,
C: IndexMut<usize>,
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Vector2D<I>) -> &mut Self::Output {
let (x, y): (usize, usize) =
(index.x.try_into().unwrap(), index.y.try_into().unwrap());
&mut self[y][x]
And now we can simply do
// generate_indices!([C; N], const N: usize);
The last type (I took the inspiration from the implementations of the Index
traits) is a bit problematic, because of the const N: usize
which I haven't managed to be able to parse. And that's how I got rid of the error.
If I were to use 2D-indexing over [C; N]
slices, I'd probably just go with the
copy-paste, cause the cost of this “monstrosity” outweighs the benefits of no DRY.
Cause of the problem
This issue is relatively funny. If you don't use any type aliases, just the raw types, you'll get suggested certain changes by the clippy. For example if you consider the following piece of code
fn get_sum(nums: &Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
fn main() {
let nums = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("Sum: {}", get_sum(&nums));
and you run clippy on it, you will get
Checking playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> src/main.rs:1:18
1 | fn get_sum(nums: &Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[i32]`
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#ptr_arg
= note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default
warning: `playground` (bin "playground") generated 1 warning
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s
However, if you introduce a type alias, such as
type Numbers = Vec<i32>;
Then clippy won't say anything, cause there is literally nothing to suggest. However the outcome is not the same…